Reflexology for infants and children

Touch is a unique yet extremely powerful form of silent communication.  When gentle pressure is administered to the feet or hands in a relaxed environment and non offensive way, in the form of reflexology, it can provide re-assurance, companionship and a feeling of self-worth, in addition to aiding the body's natural self-healing process. Children from a very young age are inquisitive by nature, they are constantly touching and feeling different mediums with their hands and adapting to a plethora of stimuli and textures when learning to walk barefoot.  Instead of exhibiting fear and apprehension, their natural sense of curiosity and willingness to develop their learning abilities leads them to watch all events that take place around them, until eventually they begin to mimic what they have seen or heard and make associations with specific occurrences.  In as much as it is a common reflex action to rub the knee of a small child who has just taken a tumble or to stroke their hair … [Read more...]